Harmonic Progressions: Call and Response
Goal: To hear, sing, and play harmonic progressions as a social activity.
Out of Tempo
Speaking or playing one progression per exercise – changing is done in the Change chapter.
- Teacher speaks or plays the progression, "One, four, five, one."
- Students identifies the progression.
- Then students speak or play the progression, "One, four, five, one."
- Teacher identifies the progression.
- Teacher speaks or plays the progression and passes it to a student.
- The student speaks or plays the same progression and passes it to the next student.
- The process repeats until all students have passed the same progression to the next student.
- A student starts the process of passing a progression to the next student.
- The process continues until all students have passed the same progression to the next student.
In Tempo
Teacher sets up a slow tempo, in two-four, three-four, or four-four.
One chord per exercise.
- Teacher sets a time signature in a given tempo and sings a I chord of the progression one, four, five, one per measure and passes it to the next student.
- The student repeats the progression in the same tempo and passes it to the next student.
- A student sets a time signature in a given tempo and sings one chord of the progression one, four, five, one per measure and passes it to the teacher.
- The teacher repeats the progression and passes it to the next student.
- A student sets a time signature in a given tempo and passes the chord progression one, four, five, one to a student.
- The process repeats until all students have sung the same progression.