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Intervals: Change

Goal: To hear or sing intervals by changing them.

Out of Tempo

Spoken, sung, or played.


Changing major to minor and minor to major

  1. Teacher plays a major interval and prompts, “Change this to the minor version.”
  2. Students answer. For example: major third is given, minor third is answered.


  1. Teacher plays a minor interval and prompts, “Change this to the major version.”
  2. Students answer.


From below upward and upper below

  1. Teacher prompts (without demonstrating), “Choose a major interval and turn it in to a minor interval."
  2. Students answer.

In Tempo

Spoken, played, sung in 2, 3, or 4 time, one note per measure.


  1. Teacher sets up a time signature in a slow tempo and sings a major interval upward four times and prompts the students to change it to minor and sing it four times.
  2. Students sing the major interval four times and, changing it to minor, sing the minor interval four times.


  1. Teacher sets up a time signature in a slow tempo and sings a minor interval upward four times and prompts the students to change it to minor and sing it four times.
  2. Students sing the minor interval four times and, changing it to major, sing the minor interval four times.


  1. Teacher prompts (without demonstrating), “Choose a major interval and turn it in to a minor interval."
  2. Students answer.