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Intervals: Layering

Goal: To combine elements of music with improvisational concepts.

Out of Tempo


Dynamics, Texture, Interval with Arithmetic, Patterning, Call and Response

  1. Speak pianissimo, staccato, major seconds.
  2. Arithmetic: adding accidentals, patterning: lower to upper notes of interval, call and response: solo and group activities.


Meter, Rhythm Grid, Scales with Arithmetic, Call and Response, and Change

  1. In two-four time, eighth note two sixteenths, major scale.
  2. Arithmetic: subtract or return the eighth note to the rhythm pattern, change: when prompted by "change," call and response: solo and group activities.


Intervals, Rhythm Grid, Harmonic Progressions with Patterning, Call and Response, and Smorgasbord

  1. Speak the intervals of the bass line scale degrees one, four, five, one, using dotted rhythms.
  2. Do so while looking at the Rhythm Grid Matrix. Teacher points to a different dotted rhythm.

In Tempo

Teacher landscapes a time signature and with varied tempos in 2, 3, or 4 time, speaking, singing, or playing.


Students repeat the interval of a major third, altering textures, dynamics, and accents using the prompt, "change."


Choose two intervals and three students. using call and response, the students trade the intervals.


Using only major, minor, and perfect intervals, student alternate intervals while viewing the interval smorgasbord and using the prompt "change."

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