Intervals: Patterning
Goal: To hear and sing intervals in patterns and combinations.
Out of Tempo
- Teacher speaks, “Doe Rey is a major second.”
- Students repeat.
- Teacher prompts, “Create another major second on the note…”
- Students answer, “…”
Upward or downward
- Teacher speaks, “Second, third, second, fourth.” (for example)
- Students repeat.
- Teacher prompts, “Create another of the same pattern on the note…”
- Students answer, “…”
Upward and downward
- Teacher speaks, “Second, third, second, fourth” mixing upward and downward intervals.
- Students repeat.
- Teacher prompts, “Create another of the same pattern on the note…”
- Students answer, “…”
In Tempo
Sung – diatonic intervals only
- Teacher sings, “Doe Rey” then speaks, "Is a major second.”
- Students repeat.
- Teacher prompts, “Create another major second on the note…”
- Students sing answer, “…”
Upward or downward
- Teacher sings, “Second, third, second, fourth.” (for example)
- Students repeat.
- Teacher prompts, “Create another of the same pattern on the note…”
- Students answer, “…”
Upward and downward
- Teacher sings, “Second, third, second, fourth” mixing upward and downward intervals.
- Students repeat.
- Teacher prompts, “Create another of the same pattern on the note…”
- Students answer, “…”