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Intervals: Patterning

Goal: To hear and sing intervals in patterns and combinations.

Out of Tempo


  1. Teacher speaks, “Doe Rey is a major second.”
  2. Students repeat.
  3. Teacher prompts, “Create another major second on the note…”
  4. Students answer, “…”


Upward or downward

  1. Teacher speaks, “Second, third, second, fourth.” (for example)
  2. Students repeat.
  3. Teacher prompts, “Create another of the same pattern on the note…”
  4. Students answer, “…”


Upward and downward

  1. Teacher speaks, “Second, third, second, fourth” mixing upward and downward intervals.
  2. Students repeat.
  3. Teacher prompts, “Create another of the same pattern on the note…”
  4. Students answer, “…”

In Tempo

Sung – diatonic intervals only


  1. Teacher sings, “Doe Rey” then speaks, "Is a major second.”
  2. Students repeat.
  3. Teacher prompts, “Create another major second on the note…”
  4. Students sing answer, “…”


Upward or downward

  1. Teacher sings, “Second, third, second, fourth.” (for example)
  2. Students repeat.
  3. Teacher prompts, “Create another of the same pattern on the note…”
  4. Students answer, “…”


Upward and downward

  1. Teacher sings, “Second, third, second, fourth” mixing upward and downward intervals.
  2. Students repeat.
  3. Teacher prompts, “Create another of the same pattern on the note…”
  4. Students answer, “…”