Scales: Smorgasbord
Goal: To create improvisations using notated materials that connect the ear to the eye and the eye to the ear.
Template of major scales in all keys with whole step/half step interval patterns.
Natural Minor
Template of natural minor scales in all keys with whole step/half step interval patterns.
Harmonic Minor
Template of harmonic minor scales in all keys with whole step/half step interval patterns.
Melodic Minor
Template of melodic minor scales in all keys with whole step/half step interval patterns.
Template of a chromatic scale starting on C.
Template of the pentatonic scale starting on each of its scale degrees.
Whole Tone
Template of two whole – tone scales.
Template of two octatonic scales.
Church Modes
Template of five church modes.
Sample Twelve Tone Row
Template of a twelve-tone scale and its retrograde, inversion, and retrograde inversions.