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Texture: Call and Response

Goal: To use social activities to hear and perform the textures staccato and legato.

Out of Tempo

Name game. Spoken.


  1. Teacher speaks their name staccato.
  2. Students speaks the teacher’s name staccato.


  1. Student speaks their name legato.
  2. Teacher speaks the student’s name legato.


  1. Teacher pairs students who continue the process.
  2. Students pair off and play the name game exchanging the first me, then you social structure.

In Tempo

Sung, using letters, numbers, solfege, played in two-four, three-four, or four-four time.


  1. The teacher sings their name or plays the rhythm of their name one note staccato or legato in x meter in x rhythm.
  2. Students respond.


  1. Student sings their name or plays the rhythm of their name two notes legato then two notes staccato.
  2. The teacher or another student responds.


  1. Teacher prompts students to pair off.
  2. Students pair off and play the texture name game with each other. The leader and follower roles are shared.