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Dynamics: Layering

Goal: To combine elements of music with improvisational concepts.

Out of Tempo


Accelerando/Ritardando, Cresendo/Decrescendo, Compound Meter with Arithmetic, Patterning, Call and Response.


Crescendo/Decrescendo, Triplets, Scales with Arithmetic, Change, Smorgasbord.


Compound Meter, Melody, Harmony with Call and Response, Change, Smorgasbord.

In Tempo

Teacher landscapes a time signature and with varied tempos in two-four, three-four, four-four, or six-eight.


Sing a minor scale while viewing the dynamics smorgasbord.


Sing a major scale crescendo/decrescendo, then a minor scale decrescendo /crescendo. Using call and response, and the prompt, "change," alter the combination of scales and dynamics.


Using the melody smorgasbord, create patterns of textures, dynamics, and accents, and using the prompt, "change," vary the sequence of the patterns.