Harmonic Progressions: Call and Response
Goal: To hear, sing, and play harmonic progressions including inversions using social activities (and see the Harmony Smorgasbord for possible combinations).
Out of Tempo
Speaking, singing, playing.
- Teacher speaks, sings or plays the progression one, four, five, one in root position.
- Students repeat.
- Teacher speaks, sings or plays the progression, "One, four first inversion, five first inversion, one second inversion."
- Students repeat.
- Teacher speaks, sings or plays the progression, "One first inversion, four, five second inversion, one."
- Students repeat.
In Tempo
Singing harmonies melodically and in harmony, in different keys and inversions.
In a tempo, time signature, one note per measure.
- Student prompts to another student, “Speak/sing/play” the progression one, four, five, one in root position.
- A different student does so.
- Student prompts to another student, “Speak, sing or play” the progression one, four, five, one using root and inverted positions.
- A different student does so.
- Each student in the class sings a different chord of the harmonic progression in a given tempo, time signature, key.