Melody: Call and Response
Goal: To hear, sing, and play melodies using social activities using four note combinations of steps and leaps as gateway to longer melodies.
Out of Tempo
Spoken, sung, played.
- Teacher prompts, “Sing four stepwise notes.”
- A student does so.
- Teacher prompts, “Sing four notes, one of which is a leap.”
- A student does so.
- Teacher prompts, “Sing two stepwise notes and two leaps.”
- A student does so.
In Tempo
Teacher sets up a tempo, time signature, tonality and rhythms using one note per measure for starters.
Speaking, singing, playing.
- A student sets up a tempo, time signature (two-four, three-four, four-four, or compound meter), tonality, rhythm for speaking, singing, playing.
- A different students prompts, “Sing four notes, one per measure, in stepwise motion.”
- A different student does so.
- A Student sets up a tempo, time signature (two-four, three-four, four-four, or compound meter), tonality, rhythm for speaking, singing, playing.
- A different student prompts, “Sing four notes, one note per measure, with three steps and one leap.”
- A different student does so.
- A student sets up a tempo, time signature (two-four, three-four, four-four, or compound meter), tonality, rhythm for speaking, singing, playing.
- A different student prompts, “Sing four notes, one note per measure, with two steps and two leaps.”
- A different student does so.