Seventh Chords: Change
Goal: To hear, sing, and play major, minor, and dominant seventh chords in inverted positions.
Out of Tempo
- Teacher plays a first, second, or third inversion seventh chord and prompts, “When I say change, alter the bass note of the seventh chord.”
- Students do so.
- Teacher plays a first, second, or third inversion seventh chord and prompts, “When I say change, alter the root of the seventh chord.”
- Students do so.
- Teacher plays a first, second, or third inversion seventh chord and prompts, “When I say change, alter the fifth or seventh of the harmony.”
- Students do so.
In Tempo
Teacher sets up a tempo, time signature, tonality, using only one or two notes per measure.
Singing and playing.
- Teacher plays a root position seventh chord and prompts, “When I say change, sing a first, second, or third inversion of the seventh chord.”
- Students do so.
- Teacher plays a root position seventh chord and prompts, “When I say change, change the seventh chord to a different type (major to minor to dominant for example) in root position.”
- Students do so.
- Teacher plays a root position seventh chord and prompts, “When I say change, change both the position and the type of the chord" (from root position major to first inversion minor, for example).
- Students do so.