Tempo: Change
Goal: To hear and perform getting faster and getting slower. The teacher and students use the prompt “change.”
Out of Tempo
Using words.
- Teacher chooses a multi-syllable unfamiliar word: “indefatigable,” for example.
- Teacher prompts, “Speak the syllables of this word from slowly to faster.”
- Students do so.
- Teacher chooses a multi-syllable unfamiliar word: “indefatigable,” for example (six syllables).
- Teacher prompts, “Speak the syllables of this word from quickly to slower.”
- Students do so.
Teacher chooses an entire sentence.
- Teacher prompts, “When I say change, switch speaking the word from slower to faster, faster to slow.”
- A student speaks the sentence.
- Teacher prompts, “Change.”
- Students alter the tempo.
In Tempo
Speaking, singing. Could be done playing, but the syllables of a word would become rhythms at an instrument.
Teacher sets up a tempo, time signature, tonality, and word/lyric/sentence.
- Teacher sets up a tempo that starts slowly and gets faster.
- Students repeat.
- Teacher sets up a tempo that starts quickly and gets slower.
- Students repeat.
- Teacher sets up a tempo that fluctuates slow to fast, fast to slow.
- Students repeat.