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Tempo: Patterning

Goal: To hear nuances in getting faster and getting slower.

Out of Tempo

Using the words, “Accelerando and Ritardando” to hear the shifts in tempo, out of tempo. The patterning comes in using syllables individual motifs in assembling the tempo shifts.


  1. Teacher speaks the words, “Ac –cel – er – an – do” getting faster.
  2. Students repeat.


  1. Teacher speaks the words, “Ri – tar – dan – do” getting slower.
  2. Students repeat.


  1. Teacher speaks the words, “Ac – cel – er – an – do, Ri – tar – dan – do” getting faster, then slower with each syllable.
  2. Students repeat.
  3. Teacher speaks the words, “Ri – tar – dan – do, Ac – cel – er – an – do” getting slower then faster with each syllable.
  4. Students repeat.

In Tempo

Teacher sets up a slow tempo in two-four, three-four, four-four, or six-eight time. Teacher uses beats, scales, or chords, solfege, letters, and numbers to practice patterns of accelerando, ritardando.

The same process below can be used singing an entire scale, parts of scales, and in 2, 4, or 8 measure patterns.


Four measure patterns

  1. Teacher sets up a four-four time signature in a slow tempo.
  2. Teacher sings four measures of one note per measure getting faster. For example: "Doe, Rey, Mi, Fa."
  3. Students repeat.


  1. Teacher sets up a three-four time signature in a slow tempo.
  2. Teacher sings four measures of one note per measure getting faster. For example: "Doe, Rey, Mi, Fa."
  3. Students repeat.


  1. Teacher sets up a two-four time signature in a slow tempo.
  2. Teacher sings four measures on one note per measure getting faster. For example: "Doe, Rey, Mi, Fa."
  3. Students repeat.