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Beginning Layering

Out of Tempo

Ear Training 1

Dynamics, Texture, Interval with Arithmetic, Patterning, Call and Response

  1. Speak pp, staccato, major seconds
  2. Arithmetic: adding accidentals, Patterning: lower to upper notes of interval, Call/Response: solo and group activities

Ear Training 2


Accelerando/Ritardando, Crescendo/Decrescendo, Compound Meter with Arithmetic, Patterning, Call and Response

In Tempo

Ear Training 1

Teacher Landscapes a time signature and with varied tempos in 2/3/ or 4 time, speaking, singing, playing

Dynamics, Texture, Interval with Arithmetic, Patterning, Call and Response

Ear Training Level 2

Teacher Landscapes a time signature and with varied tempos in 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 or 6/8

Compound Meter, Scales, Triads with Landscaping, Arithmetic, and Patterning

Ear Training Level 3

Teacher Landscapes a time signature and with varied tempos in 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 or 6/8

Accents, Rhythm Ties, Scales with Arithmetic, Patterning, and Change

Ear Training Level 4

Teacher Landscapes a time signature and with varied tempos in 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, compound meters, and asymmetric meters

Asymmetric Meters, Chromatic Intervals, and Melody with Arithmetic, Patterning, and Call and Response